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Author(s): ,
Anne-Claire Mamez
Département d'hématologie ,Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève,Genève,Switzerland
Axelle Dupont
service de biostatistique et information médicale,Hôpital Saint Louis,Paris,France
Didier Blaise
Département d'hématologie,Institut Paoli Calmettes,Marseille,France
Patrice Chevallier
Département d'hématologie,Hôtel Dieu,Nantes,France
Edouard Forcade
Département d'hématologie,Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Bordeaux,Bordeaux,France
Patrick Ceballos
Département d'hématologie ,Centre Hospitalier de Montpellier,Montpellier,France
Mohamad Mohty
Département d'hématologie,Hôpital Saint Antoine,Paris,France
Karin Bilger
Département d'hématologie,Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Strasbourg,Strasbourg,France
Felipe Suarez
Département d'hématologie,Hôpital Necker,Paris,France
Yves Beguin
Département d'hématologie,CHU of Liège and University of Liège,Liège,Belgium
Régis Peffault De La Tour
Département d'hématologie,Hôpital Saint Louis,Paris,France
Marie-Thérèse Rubio
département d'hématologie,Centre hospitalier Universitaire de Nancy,Nancy,France
Stéphanie Nguyen Quoc
département d'hématologie,Hôpital La Pitié Salpêtrière,Paris,France
(Abstract release date: 05/17/18) EHA Library. Nguyen Quoc S. 06/16/18; 214471; S875
Stéphanie Nguyen Quoc
Stéphanie Nguyen Quoc

Abstract: S875

Type: Oral Presentation

Presentation during EHA23: On Saturday, June 16, 2018 from 17:00 - 17:15

Location: Room A6


Allogeneic stem cell transplantation for peripheral T-cell lymphomas: a study of 284 patients from the Société Francophone de Greffe de Moelle et de Thérapie Cellulaire.

The aim of the current study was to analyse the outcomes ( overall survival, relpase/progression, non relapse mortality) in a cohort of patients who underwent an allo-HSCT for peripheral T cell lymphoma.


Based on the SFGM-TC database and on clinical files, we performed a retrospective multicentric analysis of adult patients who underwent an allo-SCT for non cutaneous PTCL between 2006 and 2014 in 34 centers. Primary cutaneous T cell lymphomas were excluded.


A total of 284 patients with PTCL (NOS-T cell lymphomas: 39%, angioimmunoblastic T lymphomas: 29%, anaplastic T cell lymphomas 15%, others: 17%) were allo-transplanted in a median time of 12.6 months after diagnosis (3-322). Median age at transplant was 50 years (15 to 60 ) and 67% were males. At the time of transplant, 62% were in complete remission (CR), 27% in partial response (PR) and 11% in progressive disease (PD). Twenty-eight percent were transplanted in front line treatment, 36% after 2 lines of treatment and 35% after 3 or more lines of treatment; 23% had relapsed after a first autologous HSCT. Karnofsky index was up to 80% in 94% of the patients.

Donors were matched related in 45%, matched unrelated in 36% and alternative in 19% (haplo-identical n=7, cord blood n=33, mismatched 9/10 n=13) and SC source was peripheral blood in 71% of the patients.

Reduced intensity regiment was given in 147 patients (52%), myeloablative in 106 (38%) and non myeloablative (NMA) in 27 (10%). Fifty percent of the patient received an ex-vivo T cell depletion (ATG) whereas only 1% had an ex vivo T -depletion.

Fourteen patients (14%) developed grade III-IV acute GvHd, and 34% developed  chronic GvHd (extensive for 13%).

Median follow up was 33 months. One and 2 year -OS were 68% (95% 0.62-0.73) and 64% ( 95% 0.58-07). Cumulative incidence (CI) of relapse was 18% at 1 year and 22% at 2 years. The median time from transplant to relapse was 94 days and only 10% of the relapse occurred after the first year post transplant. Non relapse mortality (NRM) was 22% at 1 year and 24% at 2 years. The main causes of death were relapse (35%), infection (27%) or GvHD (22%).

In multivariate analysis, 5 year OS was significantly adversely influenced by the occurrence of grade III-IV aGvhd (HR: 2.52 (1.52-4.19), p< 0.01), low karnofsky score at the time of transplant (HR 2.22 (1.32-3.71), p: 0.002), cord blood transplant compared to bone marrow (HR 2.01 (1.00-4.01), p:0.049) . The main factor associated with NRM were patient’s age ( HR:1.02, p:0.084[MTR3] ) a low Karnofsky score (HR 2.03 (1.08-3.83) p: 0.029), female donor to male recipient (HR:1.87 (1.07-3.28), p: 0.027). The conditioning regimen intensity (RIC or MAC) was not found to have impact on OS. Among thirty patients transplanted in PD, 50% reached CR after allo-HSCT and  2 year-OS was 51% in this subgroup.

Figure: Overall survival for the 284 allo-HSCT for non cutaneous T-cell Lymphoma.



This is to our knowledge the largest cohort of allo-HSCT patients for T cell lymphoma, showing encouraging results in both MAC and RIC.

Session topic: 23. Stem cell transplantation - Clinical

Abstract: S875

Type: Oral Presentation

Presentation during EHA23: On Saturday, June 16, 2018 from 17:00 - 17:15

Location: Room A6


Allogeneic stem cell transplantation for peripheral T-cell lymphomas: a study of 284 patients from the Société Francophone de Greffe de Moelle et de Thérapie Cellulaire.

The aim of the current study was to analyse the outcomes ( overall survival, relpase/progression, non relapse mortality) in a cohort of patients who underwent an allo-HSCT for peripheral T cell lymphoma.


Based on the SFGM-TC database and on clinical files, we performed a retrospective multicentric analysis of adult patients who underwent an allo-SCT for non cutaneous PTCL between 2006 and 2014 in 34 centers. Primary cutaneous T cell lymphomas were excluded.


A total of 284 patients with PTCL (NOS-T cell lymphomas: 39%, angioimmunoblastic T lymphomas: 29%, anaplastic T cell lymphomas 15%, others: 17%) were allo-transplanted in a median time of 12.6 months after diagnosis (3-322). Median age at transplant was 50 years (15 to 60 ) and 67% were males. At the time of transplant, 62% were in complete remission (CR), 27% in partial response (PR) and 11% in progressive disease (PD). Twenty-eight percent were transplanted in front line treatment, 36% after 2 lines of treatment and 35% after 3 or more lines of treatment; 23% had relapsed after a first autologous HSCT. Karnofsky index was up to 80% in 94% of the patients.

Donors were matched related in 45%, matched unrelated in 36% and alternative in 19% (haplo-identical n=7, cord blood n=33, mismatched 9/10 n=13) and SC source was peripheral blood in 71% of the patients.

Reduced intensity regiment was given in 147 patients (52%), myeloablative in 106 (38%) and non myeloablative (NMA) in 27 (10%). Fifty percent of the patient received an ex-vivo T cell depletion (ATG) whereas only 1% had an ex vivo T -depletion.

Fourteen patients (14%) developed grade III-IV acute GvHd, and 34% developed  chronic GvHd (extensive for 13%).

Median follow up was 33 months. One and 2 year -OS were 68% (95% 0.62-0.73) and 64% ( 95% 0.58-07). Cumulative incidence (CI) of relapse was 18% at 1 year and 22% at 2 years. The median time from transplant to relapse was 94 days and only 10% of the relapse occurred after the first year post transplant. Non relapse mortality (NRM) was 22% at 1 year and 24% at 2 years. The main causes of death were relapse (35%), infection (27%) or GvHD (22%).

In multivariate analysis, 5 year OS was significantly adversely influenced by the occurrence of grade III-IV aGvhd (HR: 2.52 (1.52-4.19), p< 0.01), low karnofsky score at the time of transplant (HR 2.22 (1.32-3.71), p: 0.002), cord blood transplant compared to bone marrow (HR 2.01 (1.00-4.01), p:0.049) . The main factor associated with NRM were patient’s age ( HR:1.02, p:0.084[MTR3] ) a low Karnofsky score (HR 2.03 (1.08-3.83) p: 0.029), female donor to male recipient (HR:1.87 (1.07-3.28), p: 0.027). The conditioning regimen intensity (RIC or MAC) was not found to have impact on OS. Among thirty patients transplanted in PD, 50% reached CR after allo-HSCT and  2 year-OS was 51% in this subgroup.

Figure: Overall survival for the 284 allo-HSCT for non cutaneous T-cell Lymphoma.



This is to our knowledge the largest cohort of allo-HSCT patients for T cell lymphoma, showing encouraging results in both MAC and RIC.

Session topic: 23. Stem cell transplantation - Clinical

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