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Author(s): ,
Ilhem Rahal
Service d'onco-hématologie pédiatrique,Hôpital de la Timone, Assistance publique-hôpitaux de Marseille,Marseille,France
Claire Galambrun
Service d'onco-hématologie pédiatrique,Hôpital de la Timone, Assistance publique-hôpitaux de Marseille,Marseille,France
Yves Bertrand
Service d'onco-hématologie pédiatrique,Institut d'Hématologie et d'Oncologie Pédiatrique,Lyon,France
Catherine Paillard
Service d'onco-hématologie pédiatrique,Hôpital de Hautepierre, CHU de Strasbourg,Strasbourg,France
Pierre Frange
Service d'Immunologie hématologie pédiatrique, Hôpital Necker-Enfants malades,Assistance Publique Hôpitaux de Paris,Paris,France
Corinne Pondarré
Centre de référence de la drépanocytose,centre hospitalier intercommunal de Créteil,Créteil,France
Régis Peffault De Latour
Service d'onco-hématologie-greffe,Hôpital Saint louis, Assistance Publique Hôpitaux de Paris,Paris,France
Mauricette Michallet
Service d'Hématologie, Centre Hospitalier Lyon Sud, Pierre-Bénite,Lyon,France
Dominique Steschenko
Service d'onco-hématologie pédiatrique,hôpitaux de brabois, CHRU Nancy, Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy,France
Christophe Piguet
Service d'oncohématologie pédiatrique,Hôpital de la mère et de l'enfant, CHU de Limoges,Limoges,France
Claire Berger
Service d'Immunohématologie et oncologie pédiatrique, Saint-Priest-en-Jarez CHU de Saint-Étienne,Saint-Etienne,France
Nathalie Aladjidi
Service de Pédiatrie médicale,groupe hospitalier Pellegrin Enfants, CHU de Bordeaux,Bordeaux,France
Cécile Dumesnil
Service d'Immuno-hématologie et oncologie pédiatrique,CHU de Rouen,Rouen,France
Marie-Pierre Castex
Service d'onco-hématologie pédiatrique,Hôpital des Enfants CHU de Toulouse,Toulouse,France
marilyne Poiree
Service d'onco-hématologie pédiatrique,Hôpital l'Archet, CHU de Nice,Nice,France
Anne Lambilliotte
Service d'hématologie,Pôle Enfant, Hôpital Jeanne de Flandre, CHRU de Lille,Lille,France
Caroline Thomas
Service d'Hématologie pédiatrique,Hôpital enfant-adolescent, CHU Nantes, France,Nantes,France
Pauline Simon
Service d'Onco-hématologie pédiatrique,CHRU Jean Minjoz,Besançon,France
Imane Agouti
Reference Center for Thalassemia, Pediatric onco-hematology,Hopital de la Timone, Assistance publique-hôpitaux de Marseille,Marseille,France
Isabelle Thuret
Reference Center for Thalassemia, Pediatric onco-hematology,Hopital de la Timone, Assistance publique-hôpitaux de Marseille,Marseille,France
(Abstract release date: 05/18/17) EHA Library. Thuret i. 06/23/17; 181418; S131
Dr. isabelle Thuret
Dr. isabelle Thuret

Abstract: S131

Type: Oral Presentation

Presentation during EHA22: On Friday, June 23, 2017 from 12:15 - 12:30

Location: Room N105

In clinical practice, allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) is the only treatment offering a definitive cure for patients with beta-thalassemia. Its outcome has improved over the last 3 decades with currently a disease free survival rate of 90% when transplant is performed in childhood from an HLA-identical sibling. Few data are available on long-term toxicity and frequency of chronic complications after transplant.

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the long-term health status after a successful allogeneic HSCT for beta-thalassemia major in a national cohort of patients.

This French retrospective study included patients who successfully received allogeneic HSCT between 1985 -2012 and were alive at least 2 years after HSCT. Study was based on data collected in the national registry of patients with beta-thalassemia and conducted in collaboration with the French society of HSCT (SFGM-Tc). Late effect data were recorded by physicians through reference or transplant center visits. Collected data included medical examination results, long-term treatments administered and laboratory tests (serum ferritin, Hb, liver enzymes, creatinine level and thyroid evaluation). Linear-mixed model was used to analyze data evolution over time (for height and weight SDS, SF, Hb values).

A total of 134 patients had received allogeneic HSCT for beta-thalassemia in France from 1985 to 2012. 107/134 patients experienced successful HSCT (6 after a second transplant) and were alive 2 years after transplantation. Six were not analyzed (back to their country or lost of follow-up) and two died of chronic graft-versus-host disease. 99 patients were analyzed for long-term effects. Median age at HSCT was 5.9 years (8 month-26 years). The source was bone marrow in 85% of cases and a matched sibling donor was used in 90% of cases. Conditioning mostly consisted (85%) of busulfan and cyclophosphamide (oral busulfan in 52%). Median age at the last visit was 19 years. Chronic complications, similar to those observed in patients treated with transfusion and chelation therapy occurred after transplant in 12% of patients: 7 hypothyroidism, 2 heart failure, 5 diabetes. 2 patients had chronic respiratory failure related to transplant. The height SDS improved after HSCT if performed at a young age. Weight SDS values increased with time, especially in females. Although gonadal dysfunction was observed in 60% of women aged at least 13 years at the last evaluation, 12/27 aged more than 20 years experimented at least one successful pregnancy. 93 patients had stopped their immunosuppressive treatment two years after HSCT. 37 were treated with iron chelation therapy and/or phlebotomies. At least half of patients are receiving a long-term hormonal treatment or antibiotic prophylaxis at the last visit. Decrease in serum ferritin values after transplant was significantly influenced by age at transplant and pre-transplant serum ferritin value. The median hemoglobin value was 12.5 g/dL (86-165) at a mean age of 18 years and Hb values were significantly influenced by age, the sex of the donor and the presence of donor thalassemia trait.

A comprehensive and regular long-term follow-up should be established for all patients receiving allogeneic HSCT for beta-thalassemia major. In this national cohort, endocrinological complications were frequent after transplant. Fertility can be partly preserved, but this result has to be reevaluated with the more recent use of intravenous busulfan. 

Session topic: 26. Thalassemias

Keyword(s): Long-term follow-up, Allo-SCT

Abstract: S131

Type: Oral Presentation

Presentation during EHA22: On Friday, June 23, 2017 from 12:15 - 12:30

Location: Room N105

In clinical practice, allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) is the only treatment offering a definitive cure for patients with beta-thalassemia. Its outcome has improved over the last 3 decades with currently a disease free survival rate of 90% when transplant is performed in childhood from an HLA-identical sibling. Few data are available on long-term toxicity and frequency of chronic complications after transplant.

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the long-term health status after a successful allogeneic HSCT for beta-thalassemia major in a national cohort of patients.

This French retrospective study included patients who successfully received allogeneic HSCT between 1985 -2012 and were alive at least 2 years after HSCT. Study was based on data collected in the national registry of patients with beta-thalassemia and conducted in collaboration with the French society of HSCT (SFGM-Tc). Late effect data were recorded by physicians through reference or transplant center visits. Collected data included medical examination results, long-term treatments administered and laboratory tests (serum ferritin, Hb, liver enzymes, creatinine level and thyroid evaluation). Linear-mixed model was used to analyze data evolution over time (for height and weight SDS, SF, Hb values).

A total of 134 patients had received allogeneic HSCT for beta-thalassemia in France from 1985 to 2012. 107/134 patients experienced successful HSCT (6 after a second transplant) and were alive 2 years after transplantation. Six were not analyzed (back to their country or lost of follow-up) and two died of chronic graft-versus-host disease. 99 patients were analyzed for long-term effects. Median age at HSCT was 5.9 years (8 month-26 years). The source was bone marrow in 85% of cases and a matched sibling donor was used in 90% of cases. Conditioning mostly consisted (85%) of busulfan and cyclophosphamide (oral busulfan in 52%). Median age at the last visit was 19 years. Chronic complications, similar to those observed in patients treated with transfusion and chelation therapy occurred after transplant in 12% of patients: 7 hypothyroidism, 2 heart failure, 5 diabetes. 2 patients had chronic respiratory failure related to transplant. The height SDS improved after HSCT if performed at a young age. Weight SDS values increased with time, especially in females. Although gonadal dysfunction was observed in 60% of women aged at least 13 years at the last evaluation, 12/27 aged more than 20 years experimented at least one successful pregnancy. 93 patients had stopped their immunosuppressive treatment two years after HSCT. 37 were treated with iron chelation therapy and/or phlebotomies. At least half of patients are receiving a long-term hormonal treatment or antibiotic prophylaxis at the last visit. Decrease in serum ferritin values after transplant was significantly influenced by age at transplant and pre-transplant serum ferritin value. The median hemoglobin value was 12.5 g/dL (86-165) at a mean age of 18 years and Hb values were significantly influenced by age, the sex of the donor and the presence of donor thalassemia trait.

A comprehensive and regular long-term follow-up should be established for all patients receiving allogeneic HSCT for beta-thalassemia major. In this national cohort, endocrinological complications were frequent after transplant. Fertility can be partly preserved, but this result has to be reevaluated with the more recent use of intravenous busulfan. 

Session topic: 26. Thalassemias

Keyword(s): Long-term follow-up, Allo-SCT

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